Thursday, June 4, 2009


I. I will not fight it.
II. Sifting through a mess of desires.
A. I want...
B. I want...
C. I really want...?
1. I've been given so much.
a. talent
b. skills
c. education
d. resources
e. time and opportunity (and my youth!)
2. They say the biggest problem now is apathy.
3. There is a God-shaped hole in every heart.
D. I want.
III. The academe demands.
A. I should not be in front of the computer right now.
B. Shall I befriend coffee once more?
IV. Nostalgia.
A. ...
C. We grow up so fast. 
V.  Waiting.
A.  I can't remain here.
B.  The temporary lingers.
C.  Clarity creeps in slowly.